You know can make a good passive income sitting at home without doing any work. If you can earn money by selling your data sitting at home, then today we will tell you how to make money selling dataYou must have found it strange to hear that how one can earn money by selling data but it is true that you can earn but how is wishing.
Today we are going to give you all this information.
how to make money selling data
Friends earning money by selling data is a genuine way in today's time because many companies buy data from you. and you are given money in return
The company buys data from you because due to lack of data in the company, the work of the company is not known.
Due to which the company or agencies can also be closed and if the same company or agencies buy data
from other company then they may have to pay a lot of money.
So a big company has come out with a solution, they have made such an App, with the help of which you
will sell your data to the company.and in return the company will give you money
But many people also think that the company is buying data from you it is better that the company buys the data from another company. ?
Let me tell you that if the company buys data from another company then it will be very expensive but
If the same company will buy data from you, then instead it will give you less money and will buy data from you.
And the question must have come in your mind that how much money will the company pay for giving so much data.
You will also get information about this in the next point
Told you that the company buys your data and completes its work with it,
you must have also understood that this is a genuine way to earn money.
But for this to work, you should use the app from angle, which app is genuine, so we will talk about which app you should use
Which app will give you more money Which app is right for you
I will tell you all these things and I will also recommend some apps to you.
High paying app
Before selling data, let me tell you that if you sell your data to the company, then you will get very little money for selling data.
You are getting less money because you will not have to do any work in this, you will have to sell your data
You do not have to do any work even in selling data, you just have to create an account.
can use data selling applications in your mobile simply because your remaining data is not useful and you will get some money in return.
You can sell your data with the help of some apps and all these apps are genuine.
Honey gain
Honeygain application is the most popular application among data selling applications.
Honegain is a very old app from which more than 10 million people do it now.
Honegain app is the most trusted app so far because data sellers download this app but friends there is also a problem here.
You will not find Honey Gain App on Play Store because Honey Jain App is Data Selling App
And you will not find this type of apps on play store because it is illegal.
But you do not need to take tensions because many people are still generating passive income from Honey Gain.
The best thing about Honey Gain is that if you join Honey Gain from my link then you will get a bonus of 5 dollars in starting itself.
You will get 5 dollars without doing anything, for this you just have to join any referral link Honey gain
You can withdraw a minimum withdrawal of $ 20 in your bank account.
And this money will be transferred to your account immediately, for this you will not have to wait.
BEE means coin in Honey Gain, you will sell data here, in return you will give bee and you can convert that BEE into money.
Here you will get money according to BEE, here if you become 20000 B, you will get 20 dollars.
10GB = $1
20GB = $20
This means if you give 10GB you will get 1 dollar in return and if you give 200GB you will get $20.
But the happy thing is that if you join with my link then you will have to spend 150GB and if you don't join then you will get $20 on 200GB
The best thing about Honey Gain is that you also get share option here. Because you can invite your friends or family
member in this through your link and you will have a good earning from that too.
In Honey Gain, you get to see many settings, with the help of which you can customize the app.
In the setting, you will get to see many features like data limit, wifi settings, languages settings. etc.
Honey Gain will not only give you passive income but also you will not let your data get spoiled.
How to use honegain App
I will tell you some basic things, but many people are also beginners, in such works, I will tell you stepwise how you how to setup app and how to use honegain App
Step 1 - First of all you have to download Honey Gain App click here
Step 2 - After downloading you have to install this app on your mobile or computer.
Step 3 - Honey Gain, you have to create an account from your own Gmail. And on the same gmail id you will receive the opp
Step 4 - You also have to fill your details and create an account.
Step 5 - After the account is created, you will have to confirm your gmail id, if you do not confirm then your account will not be able to be created.
Step 6 - You will get payment on this gmail id
NOTE - You must create your account in a secure way
Creating an account in Honey Gain is very easy, you can create an account in Honey Gain in 5 minutes
Like I told you in Honey Gain, earning happens very slowly but you will get it on withdrawal time.
Withdrawal of Honey Gain you can take in Paypal. Paypal deducts you solid fee
My tiki
My Tiki application is a data selling application in which you can sell data for free.And you can take
Money instead, My Tiki is not available in play store at present time.
You can download the MyTiki application from their official website as of now.
My Tiki company says that when all their bui registrations are completed then they will launch their official app in play store.
But now you can use My Tiki application on Chrome.
My Tiki application is not opening on Chrome yet because My Tiki is about to launch its official app.
If you want to become a passive income then you should download Honey gain from today because
Download and leave Honey gain, you will be able to generate passive income only after leaving
The best thing I would tell you is that always invite your friends because your earnings will increase by inviting friends and you will be able to earn good money.
You must have known how make money selling data but there are many other ways in
But I really earn this app