best ways to make extra money from home

best ways to make extra money from home

Best way to make extra money from home
The question must have come in your mind but when you google Or if you look on YouTube, 

you see many options, in which many ways are wrong or some ways are also good 

But they are not able to give you prefect income or they do not stay for long.

So today I will tell you that such ways by which you can earn very good money sitting at home for a long time.

best ways to make extra money from home

You have many ways to earn extra money at home but you never do those methods or you do not know.

I am going to tell you some such genuine methods which are available in every country. And that way everyone can earn money by doing it

In whatever way there are, I will go deep into that method and explain very good points.



reselling means you have to sell the products to your customers and if your customers buy those products then you will get margin.

Margin means how much commission you have to charge for selling the products to your customers.

You can take as much commission as you want from your customers.

can directly deliver the company's products to your customer's home, for this you do not need to go out.

You have to promote the products through social media sitting at home which is very easy

Reselling company is very trusted, this company does not do any kind of cheat. You get payment on time in your own bank account

At present, many people earn up to 25k thousand a month through reselling.

Most of the business of reselling is done in India because such a good business idea belongs to the companies of India.

In reselling, you have to share the products on social media and the company will never tell the price of its products to your customers.

You have to set the price according to you and take commission of that products.

will find many applications to do reselling, I will give you the link below of reselling Genuine Application.

With the help of these three apps, you can earn lakhs by reselling sitting at 

Home and you can also invite your friends and earn money from them.

Amazon affiliate program

Amazon affiliate program

Amazon is a worldwide shopping platform from where people deliver products online. is by far the largest shopping platform in the world

Also Amazon has also launched its Affiliate Program Affiliate Program 

Affiliate Program is similar to reselling but in this you can sell Amazon's products.

So Amazon will give you commission, let me tell you, Amazon has kept separate 

Commission on each product category.

First of all you have to join Amazon Affiliate Program, to join you have to go to the official website of Amazon Affiliate

After going to the Amazon Affiliate Program, you will have to create an 

account on that I will add you a video below, with the help of that you can create an account.

I gave you the video above, you can create an account with the help of this video

You will join the Amazon Affiliate Program, but you will also have to sell products on it, you will have to pay on each of the products.

Amazon Affiliate gives commission on different products, you can earn commission

In Amazon, you have to create an affiliate link of the products and share that 

link to your customer, someone will take the products through that link.

So you will see the commission of selling the products in your Amazon 

Selling account, from that you can transfer your money to the bank account.

Youtube shorts

youtube has launched its beta program meaning youtube shorts many will know and many people may not

Shorts are becoming a very popular way to earn money in recent times, 

but many people do not know how to earn money from YouTube shorts.

Actually YouTube has just given an update in which it has been told that YouTube 

will give $100 million dollars to the creators of shorts on YouTube.

And just now YouTube has also announced that now those whose videos will 

go viral on YouTube, YouTube will pay from $100 to $10,000.

You can earn money by making shorts from youtube and also you can 

Earn good money from adsense by putting long videos on youtube.

The shorts video grows very quickly, that is, the video will make you an identity and will also give you money.

If you do not know how to earn money from youtube shorts, then I will embed a video on the side below.

You do not have to do anything, you have to make a good video and upload it daily, you keep doing it, one day your video will also go viral.

Article writing

Article writing

Article writing is a genuine way of internet, you can earn very good money sitting at home by writing articles.

Should have a good writing skill, if you are a very good article writer, then you can take about $3 to $5 of a word in an article.

If you write an article in 2000 words, then you can be bought for about $ 200.

The biggest thing is that if you are a good writer then you will not have to go to work with anyone. You have your own order to write the article

At present, big article writers are earning money in lakhs, just sitting at home.

If you are a good article writer or are interested in writing articles, then you 

Should ask to start a blog because with the help of blog you can write articles.

And you can earn a lot of money by writing articles, you do not need any technical skill for blog.

All you have to do is write a good article, if you are not even interested in 

creating a blog, then you can give the article to someone else by writing it.

Instead of writing articles, you can charge money from it, but this question 

Comes in the mind of many people that how to take orders for article writing.

At present, many such applications have come, with the help of which you can take orders and earn money instead of working.

There are many popular websites that will find you the order of article writings.

And there are also many such websites that if you write an article to the website, then you will be given money instead.

I will tell you the names of popular websites in the world below, with the help of which you will be able to earn money.

These 5 websites are very genuine websites, with the help of these websites, you can earn money by doing articles or any other work.

Selling hosting

Selling hosting

Hosting is a lot of sales in the present time or whether you understand website hosting or shared hosting, whatever you want

Because in today's time websites are being made because everyone wants to 

Take their business online so that they can have more sales.

To take business online, you need a website and it is very important to 

have aoko domain and hosting for the website.

You have to buy hosting and domain by paying and this is what you have to do

In today's time, there are many platforms that sell domain and hosting, you have to do the same.

You have to review the hosting of any platform and give its details and provide your

If anyone buys from your link, then you will get commission, commission will 

Not work, you are given commission up to 70% on selling hosting

Hosting Affiliate Program Every hosting providing platform also has its own affiliate program because

They also have to sell more, you can go to any hosting platform and join its affiliate program for free.

Selling hosting has become very easy because everyone can create a website and take business online

I will tell you top such hosting affiliate programs which give more affiliate commissions.

I won't even tell you the hosting platform, you can earn money by working on 

It, you have to join their affiliate program best ways to make extra money from home



Trending has become a professional way of earning money sitting at home At present, millions of people do it while sitting at home

Who does not know trending at the present time, many people are afraid of trending because it is also risky.

Many people are also afraid that their money will go away.

But many people are interested in trending and like to trend and earn a lot of money from it.

The way to earn money in trending is also very easy, people are risky, they must do this

At present, you can buy stocks sitting at home and you can earn money by placing bets on it.

I will tell you some such genuine apps below that you can do trending.

All the platforms I told you, this is 100% genuine platform and it is also available on all play store.


You must have known that the best way is to make extra money from home, and in this, all the ways I told you, that method is used for it.

You can earn lakhs of rupees, this is the most powerful way of internet to earn money

You will always get genuine content in our website here and will continue to get it and must comment below if you have any problem.

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