5 ways to make money online

5 ways to make money

Guys everyone wants to earn money from internet but they don't know the genuine way. In this way

many people are not able to earn money. In this article 5 ways to make money online Five such ways by which 

everyone is earning and you can also earn in these five ways, let me tell you five ways 

 1 5 ways t o make money online
Stock market
Online games
 4 Radio Listing 
 5 Url shortener
 6 Blogging
 7 YouTube 
 8 freelancing
 9 affiliate marketing 
 10 make money tips
 11 conclusion

5 ways to make money online

There are two ways to earn money online i.e. you can earn money in two ways, First you are for short term and second for long term.

I will tell in this post in both the ways and I will also tell you how you can do it.

Stock market - In share you have to buy shares of any company, then you will then go to that

company loss or profit accordingly you will keep winning money.

Make money with stock market

Stock market is by far the easiest way to earn money because you have to invest money in it.

If you have a lot of risk in the share market, but if you are determined to invest then you must because It can win you even crore

You can invest in the stock market in 2 ways, online offline, you have to invest offline. 

In offline you have to go out to buy that company shares.

It is very easy to buy online, for this you will not have to go out, you can buy on mobile or computer sitting at home

For this, you will have to download some apps which are online trading

olymp trade.apps. At present, there are many online trading apps.

If you are making fraud, then be careful, I will give you the link of some apps below, you can download from them.

And if you are investing from your mind through an app, then please be careful, watch videos and information about that app.

Online games - I have added fiveways to make money online online games because it is very simple way in which you will get fun and money

Play games and earn money

You will keep playing the game and you will not have to work too hard for this to keep winning money.

You will find many apps in the market for earning money by playing online games. And with

the help of those apps you can earn but in some apps you have to invest.

you want to earn a lot of money by playing 
Games, you have to invest a low amount.

But you can earn good money whenever you want.

If we talk about apps that earn money by playing online games, then now There are more 

than one lakh apps in time, but only genuine apps can do it.

Radio Listing - Do you know that at present people are earning money by listening to songs. 

This is a very easy way to earn money online in this you just have to earn money by listening to radio or songs 

This is also a very good genuine method and in this genuine way you can earn very good money without investing. 

You will also get a lot of websites that earn money by listening to songs, but out of them we cannot see which website or app is genuine.

I will give you the link of Genuine website

With the help of these three websites, you can give a passive income sitting at home. 

Here on the Music Gateway website it is said that if you work on this website for a month, you will earn 800 pounds 

Url shortener5 ways to make money online It is kept because I have already written a post on 

URL shortener, this method is very popular Genuine and easy too, everyone can do this work. 

In this you will get 1000 CPM. According to the money is given, in this you have to do a short link of yours.

And there is one view lane on that short link, you get $15 to $20 on bringing the view.

You can also earn a month in this easy way, just you will have to work hard, for more information, definitely see our post.

But in this you will get CPM. You get to see different, more in some country, less in some country,

In that you get this much CPM. get to see

If you have to work on URL shortener, then you will see many apps in the market so that you can work on it.

Some of those apps give you more money, some apps are less and now many apps 

also do fraud, so beware of fraud apps.

Always use the same app that I tell you or if you use other apps, then get all the information about it.

You can make very good passive income in these five ways and you will not have to work much if you earn in this way.

Make Long time income

There is a lot of difference in long time short time, in long time you earn money by working 

life time you have a genuine to earn lifetime money

Lifetime income

Because without a genuine wage you cannot do lifetime earning, there are many 

Options available online to earn lifetime money.

Let me tell you some genuine ways

First of all, one thing is clear that you do any online work with any good app.

At present, there are many ways to earn long time money and those methods are available in every country.

Blogging - Blogging is such a way that millions of people are earning money online sitting at home, but to do this way


Here you will have to work hard and with this, but once you are successful in it, then 

you can earn crores sitting at home.

In blogging, you have to create your own website, which we also call blog, you can also create a website.

But you have to invest, you can also create a website for free and earn money from it.

But your user will not give you value and will leave this website so that even if 

You write a good post, you do not get any response.

There are two ways to create a blog or website, first WordPress and second blogger.

In Blogger, you can take your words for free and work on it, but you can also setup the website very 

But in WordPress, it takes you up to $50 dollars to build and setup a good website.

You have to get a good domain and hosting in five dollars, you get the domain cheap but hosting will cost you dearly.

And after being built on WordPress, you will have to renew it once in a year, if you do not, then your website will be closed.

If you buy domain and hosting then you have to setup website 

Youtube- At present, YouTube has become the second social media platform in 

The world and nowadays, YouTube does not do it.

And youtube now launches daily new feature just now youtube launched new features of shorts

But many people do not use the features of YouTube, just now the shorts came, with the help of 

shorts, millions of people have subscribed in million on their YouTube. 

If you want to make a career on YouTube, then you should start working on YouTube from today.

You know that people are earning millions of crores of rupees from YouTube, not only do you 

make money on YouTube by making videos, but here you create your audience.

You can create your audience, you can earn money from here with 

affiliate marketing sponsorship and adsense




At present, there are more than 40 million creators and sub-races on YouTube, 

participate in this and start your YouTube journey.

Facebook - I usef Facebook in this article 5 ways to make money online because Facebook is a very 

big social media platform from where many people are earning crores. 

Facebook page is such a source from where you can monetize like YouTube by applying ad.




And you can put multiple ads in Facebook and you can earn lakhs of rupees from this, I will give you the proof in the last. 

Facebook page earning

Facebook has just launched Facebook Gaming You have to become and you can earn lakhs of rupees 

from that page and Facebook has launched Facebook Stars 

Facebook Starts means when you livestream on Facebook, then public will send you Facebook Starts.

75 Facebook starts up to 1 dollar

If you want to have a good community and earn a good money, then you have to open 

Facebook page from today, irrespective of the categories.

freelancing - Freelancing work is very easy, in this you have to give work to someone and take money from him in return.

You can do this work with the help of some apps, the app will get you orders from people and

If you complete the order then you will also get payment.

But to work in freelancing, you must also have some skill

You will get different categories to work in freelancing

  1. Programming And Software Development
  2. Social Video Marketing
  3. Web Design And Development
  4. Content Marketing/Writing
  5. Copywriters
  6. Video Editors and more.

You get to see such categories, you can go to the app and tell which categories are available uand I will tell you that

If you give work to someone, then you get paid a lot, you just have to give it by working.

Top 5 freelancing website/App

With the help of this website, you can take the order, complete the order and you will get the payment in your bank account.

Affiliate marketing - At present, your affiliate marketing has scope all over the world.

Millions of people are earning money from affiliate marketing but do you know what is affiliate marketing?

What is affiliate marketing 

Affiliate marketing is a program in which you sell the product of any company through your affiliate link.

So you will get the commission as much as the company had placed on those products.

can get as many products sold as you want, there is no limit in this. 

You will get lakhs of apps or websites to do affiliate marketing and many websites give you a lot of commission and some websites work.

What is affiliate marketing

Amazon Affiliate chart 

If You can also sell digital and physical products in affiliate marketing, you know that 

Amazon has also started its affiliate marketing programs.

You can join Amazon Affiliate for free, for this you will not have to pay any fee and you can sell every  product in Amazon Affiliate.

But in Amazon, you get to see very little commission, you can do it if you want clickbank register24.

will get to see high commission on thousands of websites like these.

make money tips

I am going to tell you the way in which millions of people are earning money and you can also earn

By setting up your own website, you can sell affiliate products on it and you can also earn from website advertising.

will earn lakhs of rupees sitting comfortably at home by doing these methods and you can do the same on YouTube.

You make daily videos on YouTube and review the products you want to sell by making videos.

If can also give your affiliate link on YouTube and on your website.

Traffic comes in millions from both these platforms, from here you can also earn millions of rupees daily.


In this post you learn 5 ways to make money online I told you 10 ways in the long term 

you have to work hard then only you will get success.

You can earn in short term but you will not be able to earn for long. ways by which you can earn money in 

long term and short term but it is up to you which way you want to earn money.

But in the long term you have to work hard then only you will get success.

You can earn in short term but you will not be able to earn for long.

But I am telling you that whatever method you do, always look at the genuine way because at the present time.

Many apps are coming fraud which can fraud you can steal your money.

If you use any app, then take out its information, if you do not do this then you ywill not be able to earn money.
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